Error Codes
The error codes are 32-bit encoded and are defined as follows :
| | | |
| | | |___ Error index
| | |_______ Sub-module index
| |__________ Module index
|____________ Provenance index
Provenance index
0x2 : Application (.exe)
0x3 : Library (.so, .dll)
0x7 : Protocol
0x6 : Firmware
0x8 : POSIX (Linux/QNX OS)
NOTE: Under Windows OS, the b1 bit is always set (Provenance index : xx1xb).
Otherwise, the error returned is a Windows error system (cf. C bit - MSDN HResult)
Otherwise, the error returned is a Windows error system (cf. C bit - MSDN HResult)
Module index
Application (.exe)
0x00 : FipLabs
0x01 : FipWatcherServer
Library (.so, .dll)
0x00 : FipCore
0x01 : GenCard
0x00 : IProtocol
0x00 : FipCode
Sub-module index
Indicates the file or class concerned
Error index
Indicates the error number
0x 3 00 02 008
| | | |
| | | |___ 0x008 -> error n°8 : FIPCORE_FIPCODE_CHECK_FAILED
| | |_______ 0x02 -> FipCodeInstall sub-module
| |__________ 0x00 -> FipCore module
|____________ 0x3 -> Library
POSIX Errors
Error Type : POSIX - Origin module : UNIX OS
If the 31th bit of the error code is set (mask=0x80000000), the error is a POSIX error. To extract it, do not consider the 31th bit (b31=0) and refer you to the errno codes of your platform.
Firmware Errors
Error Type : Firmware - Origin module : FipCode
Code | LabelType | Description |
0x60000000 | FIPCODE_CR_NON_SIGNIFIANT | Consumed variable not received by network |
0x60000001 | FIPCODE_CR_NON_PRODUCING | Write attempt on a consumed variable |
0x60000002 | FIPCODE_CR_NON_CONSUMING | Read attempt on a produced variable |
0x60000003 | FIPCODE_CR_NON_COMPATIBLE | Time variable without promptness status |
0x60000004 | FIPCODE_CR_FIFO_EVT_EMPTY | Empty Event FIFO |
0x60000005 | FIPCODE_CR_FIFO_APER_FULL | Aperiodic request storage FIFO full |
0x60000006 | FIPCODE_CR_CMDE_INC | Command not support by software |
0x60000007 | FIPCODE_CR_OVERFLOW | Overflow error on read |
0x60000008 | FIPCODE_CR_FIFO_MSG_EMI_INC | Send messaging channel number unknown |
0x60000009 | FIPCODE_CR_FIFO_MSG_EMI_FULL | Send messaging FIFO full |
0x6000000a | FIPCODE_CR_FIFO_MSG_EMI_EMPTY | Send messaging FIFO empty |
0x6000000b | FIPCODE_CR_FIFO_MSG_REC_EMPTY | Receive messaging FIFO empty |
0x6000000c | FIPCODE_CR_UNDERFLOW | Underflow error on read |
0x6000000d | FIPCODE_CR_DEF_CMDE_BA | Error on bus arbiter operating mode command |
0x6000000e | FIPCODE_CR_DEF_ACQ_EOC | EOC acknowledgment request configure in pulse mode |
Protocol Errors
Error Type : Protocol - Origin module : IProtocol
Code | LabelType | Description |
0x70000001 | IPROT_SW_WARNING | The request returned a warning |
0x70000002 | IPROT_SW_READ_PARTIAL | The request returned a reading partial error |
0x70000003 | IPROT_SW_FAIL | The request failed |
0x70000004 | IPROT_SW_EMPTY | The request returned an error of type empty |
0x70000005 | IPROT_SW_BAD_LENGTH | The request returned an error of type bad length |
0x70000006 | IPROT_SW_NOT_FOUND | The request returned an error of type not found |
0x70000007 | IPROT_SW_BAD_REQUEST | IProtocol bad request |
0x70000008 | IPROT_SW_BAD_CLA | The class type (CLA byte) is bad in the request |
0x70000009 | IPROT_SW_BAD_CTL | The control type (CTL byte) is bad in the request |
0x7000000a | IPROT_SW_BAD_P1 | The control type (P1 byte) is bad in the request |
0x7000000b | IPROT_SW_BAD_P2 | The control type (P2 byte) is bad in the request |
0x7000000c | IPROT_SW_DATA_TOO_SHORT | The data length is too short in the request |
0x7000000d | IPROT_SW_DATA_TOO_LONG | The data length is too long in the request |
0x7000000e | IPROT_SW_RQ_BAD_CRC | Bad CRC in the request |
0x7000000f | IPROT_SW_CTL_NOT_SUPPORTED | The request control type (CTL byte) is not supported |
0x70000010 | IPROT_SW_READ_ERROR | The request returned a reading error |
0x70000011 | IPROT_SW_ID_NOT_EXIST | The request ID do not exist |
0x70000012 | IPROT_SW_BAD_DST | The request DST field is invalid |
Library Errors
Error Type : Library - Origin module : FipCore - Origin sub-module : ExoDeviceAccess
Code | LabelType | Description |
0x30000000 | EDA_CANNOT_LOCALLY_OPEN_DRIVER | Cannot locally open driver |
0x30000001 | EDA_INVALID_HND | Invalid driver handle |
0x30000002 | EDA_CANNOT_OPEN_DRIVER | Cannot open driver |
0x30000003 | EDA_CANNOT_CLOSE_DRIVER | Cannot close driver |
0x30000004 | EDA_CANNOT_CLOSE_TLS_DRIVER_HANDLE | Impossible to close the TLS driver handle |
0x30000005 | EDA_DRIVER_ALREADY_IN_USED | Driver is already in used |
0x30000006 | EDA_INVALID_MEM_ADDRESS_RANGE | Invalid range address |
0x30000007 | EDA_INVALID_READ_RANGE | Invalid read range |
0x30000008 | EDA_DATA_NOT_ENTIRELY_WRITTEN | Data not entirely writter |
0x30000009 | EDA_INVALID_SUBSYSTEM_ID | Invalid SubSystem ID |
0x3000000a | EDA_INVALID_FIP_SPEED | Invalid FIP Speed |
0x3000000b | EDA_INVALID_FIP_IMPEDANCE | Invalid FIP Impedance |
0x3000000c | EDA_IOCTL_CALL_ERROR | Error in IOCTL call |
0x3000000d | EDA_INVALID_OUT_AFTER_IOCTL_CALL | Invalid output parameter after IOCTL call |
Error Type : Library - Origin module : FipCore - Origin sub-module : KeyProtection
Code | LabelType | Description |
0x30001000 | FIPCORE_SOFTWARE_PROTECTION | Invalid software protection |
0x30001001 | FIPCORE_SOFTWARE_TYPE | Invalid software type |
Error Type : Library - Origin module : FipCore - Origin sub-module : FipCodeInstall
Code | LabelType | Description |
0x30002000 | FIPCORE_PERIODIC_CHANNEL_UNKNOWN | Periodic channel unknown |
0x30002001 | FIPCORE_VARIABLE_LENGTH_ERROR | Variable length error |
0x30002002 | FIPCORE_REFRESH_TYPE_UNKNOWN | Refresh type unknown |
0x30002003 | FIPCORE_VARIABLE_TYPE_UNKNOWN | Variable type unknown |
0x30002004 | FIPCORE_FULLFIP_ACCESS_ERROR | FullFIP access error |
0x30002005 | FIPCORE_WRONG_BA_FILE_FORMAT | Wrong bus arbiter file format |
0x30002006 | FIPCORE_BA_INSTRUCTION_UNKNOWN | Unknown bus arbiter instruction |
0x30002007 | FIPCORE_CANNOT_OPEN_FIPCODE_FILE | Cannot open FipCode file |
0x30002008 | FIPCORE_FIPCODE_CHECK_FAILED | Fipcode checking failed |
0x30002009 | FIPCORE_ILLEGAL_BA_PARAMETER | Illegal bus arbiter parameter |
0x3000200a | FIPCORE_TOO_MANY_FRAME_DESCRIPTOR | Too many frame descriptors |
0x3000200b | FIPCORE_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY_FOR_CONFIGURATION | Not enough memory for configuration |
0x3000200c | FIPCORE_TOO_MANY_VARIABLE_DESCRIPTOR | Too many variable descriptors |
0x3000200d | FIPCORE_WRONG_FRAME_TYPE_IN_CONF_FILE | Wrong frame type in configuration file |
0x3000200e | FIPCORE_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY_FOR_MSG_FIFO | Not enough memory for message FIFO |
0x3000200f | FIPCORE_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY_FOR_BA | Not enough memory for bus arbiter |
0x30002010 | FIPCORE_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY_FOR_BA1 | Not enough memory for bus arbiter number 1 |
0x30002011 | FIPCORE_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY_FOR_BA2 | Not enough memory for bus arbiter number 2 |
Error Type : Library - Origin module : FipCore - Origin sub-module : FipCodeAccess
Code | LabelType | Description |
0x30003000 | FIPCORE_INVALID_FIP_USERCONF | Invalid FIP user configuration |
0x30003001 | FIPCORE_INVALID_FIP_DEVICECONF | Invalid FIP device configuration |
0x30003002 | FIPCORE_BA_PROG_NUMBER_UNKNOWN | Unknown BA program number |
0x30004000 | FIPCORE_INVALID_PAGE_NUMBER | Invalid page number. Range is [0x0000 - 0x3FFF] |
0x30004001 | FIPCORE_PAGE_NOT_ENTIRELY_READ | Page is not entirely read |
0x30004002 | FIPCORE_PAGE_NOT_ENTIRELY_WRITE | Page is not entirely write |
0x30004003 | FIPCORE_INVALID_MEM_ADDRESS | Invalid address |
0x30004004 | FIPCORE_INVALID_ACK_EOC | Invalid Ack/Eoc |
0x30004005 | FIPCORE_INVALID_CHANNEL_NUMBER | Invalid channel number |
0x30004006 | FIPCORE_SIZE16_AND_VAR_LENGTH_NOT_EQUAL | Variable length isn't equal to Size16 |
0x30004007 | FIPCORE_NOT_VAR_TIME | Not a time variable |
0x30004008 | FIPCORE_SOFTWARE_NOT_OPERATIONAL | Software isn't operational |
0x30004009 | FIPCORE_DATA_THREAD_STORAGE | Error in data thread storage |
0x30005005 | FIPCORE_NO_MEMORY_FOR_VARIABLE_DESCRIPTOR_TAB | No memory for variable descriptors table |
0x30005006 | FIPCORE_NO_ACCESSKEY_FOUND | No access key found for this identifier |
0x30005007 | FIPCORE_OPC_MEMORY_ALREADY_ALLOCATED | Memory is already allocated for the OPC UA server |
0x30005008 | FIPCORE_NO_MEMORY_FOR_OPC_SERVER | No memory for OPC UA server |
0x30005008 | FIPCORE_NO_ID_FOUND | No identifier found for this access key |
Error Type : Library - Origin module : FipCore - Origin sub-module : ParseConfFile
Code | LabelType | Description |
0x30006000 | FIPCORE_XML_PARSING_ERROR | Error in XML parsing |
0x30006001 | FIPCORE_XML_GET_ROOT_ELEMENT_ERROR | Error in getting of XML root element |
0x30006002 | FIPCORE_XML_GET_ELEMENT_ERROR | Error in getting of XML element |
0x30006003 | FIPCORE_INVALID_XML_ROOT_ELEMENT | Invalid XML root element |
0x30006004 | FIPCORE_INVALID_EXO_FILE_TYPE | Invalid Exoligent file type |
Error Type : Library - Origin module : FipCore - Origin sub-module : FipCodeTLS
Code | LabelType | Description |
0x30007000 | FIPCORE_INIT_ERROR | Error in TLS initialization |
Error Type : Library - Origin module : FipCore - Origin sub-module : Fipcore
Code | LabelType | Description |
0x30008000 | FIPCORE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED_FOR_THIS_DEVICE_TYPE | Function not implemented for this device type |
0x30008001 | FIPCORE_FIFO_WRITE_TEST_ERROR | Error in FIFO write test |
0x30008002 | FIPCORE_FIFO_READ_TEST_ERROR | Error in FIFO read test |
0x30008003 | FIPCORE_IRQ_TEST_ERROR | Error in IRQ test |
0x30008004 | FIPCORE_REGISTERS_TEST_ERROR | Error in registers test |
0x30008005 | FIPCORE_TIMERS_TEST_ERROR | Error in timers test |
0x30008006 | FIPCORE_INVALID_EVENT_DEFINITION | Invalid event definition parameter |
0x30008007 | FIPCORE_NULL_POINTER | Null pointer assignment |
0x30008008 | FIPCORE_INVALID_ACCESSRIGHTS | Invalid access rights for this operation |
0x30008009 | FIPCORE_CONF_NOT_FOUND | Configuration not found |
0x3000800A | FIPCORE_TAG_TYPE_ID_UNKNOWN | Tag ID type unknown |
0x3000800B | FIPCORE_FILE_ALREADY_ALLOCATED | The file is already allocated |
0x3000800C | FIPCORE_TRANSFER_TIMEOUT | File transfer timeout |
0x3000800D | FIPCORE_TRANSFER_ALREADY_IN_PROGRESS | A transfer is already in progress |
0x3000800E | FIPCORE_TRANSFER_RETRIES_EXCEED_LIMIT | Transfer retries exceeded limit |
0x3000800F | FIPCORE_RETRIEVING_FILE_NAME_ERROR | Error in retrieving file name |
0x30008010 | FIPCORE_TRANSFER_ABORTED_BY_USER | Transfer aborted by user |
0x30008011 | FIPCORE_FILE_RENAMING | File renaming error |
0x30008012 | FIPCORE_FILE_READING_ERROR | Error in file reading |
0x30008013 | FIPCORE_FILE_WRITING_ERROR | Error in file writing |
0x30008014 | FIPCORE_EOF_REACHED | End of file reached |
0x30008015 | FIPCORE_NOT_SUPPORT_FILE_TRANSFER | The specified message doesn't support file transfer |
0x30008016 | FIPCORE_CHUNKS_LOST | Chunks lost during file reception |
0x30008017 | FIPCORE_IRQ_THREAD_ERROR | IRQ management thread error |
0x30008018 | FIPCORE_SESSION_ALREADY_INIT | This operation must be done before the FIP network initialization |
0x30009017 | FIPCORE_OPCUA_ALREADY_STARTED | The server is already started |
0x30009018 | FIPCORE_OPCUA_ALREADY_STOPPED | The server is already stopped |
0x30009019 | FIPCORE_OPCUA_RUN_STARTUP | Error on OPC UA server startup |
Error Type : Library - Origin module : FipCore - Origin sub-module : Common
Code | LabelType | Description |
0x30009000 | ERROR_IN_IOCTL_CALL | IOCTL call error |
0x30009001 | ERROR_INVALID_OUT_AFTER_IOCTL_CALL | IOCTL output error |
Error Type : Library - Origin module : GenCard
Code | LabelType | Description |
0x30100001 | GENC_NO_ABSTRACTCOM_ASSOCIATED | No abstract con linked with the GenCard instance |
0x30100002 | GENC_NO_REPLY_TO_READ_MEMORY_REQUEST | No reply on the Read Memory request |
0x30100003 | GENC_NO_REPLY_TO_READ_BY_ID_REQUEST | No reply on the Read By ID request |
0x30100004 | GENC_NO_REPLY_TO_READ_SN_REQUEST | No reply on the Read Serial Number request |
0x30100005 | GENC_NO_REPLY_TO_READ_LAST_SW_REQUEST | No reply on the Read Last Status Word request |
0x30100006 | GENC_NO_REPLY_TO_READ_ERROR_REQUEST | No reply on the Read Error request |
0x30100007 | GENC_NO_REPLY_TO_WRITE_MEMORY_REQUEST | No reply on the Write Memory request |
0x30100008 | GENC_NO_REPLY_TO_WRITE_BY_ID_REQUEST | No reply on the Write By ID request |
0x30100009 | GENC_NO_REPLY_TO_EXEC_BY_ID_REQUEST | No reply on the Execute By ID request |
0x3010000a | GENC_NO_REPLY_TO_RESET_REQUEST | No reply on the Reset request |
0x3010000b | GENC_NO_REPLY_TO_SET_MODE_REQUEST | No reply on the Set Mode request |
0x3010000c | GENC_NO_REPLY_TO_GET_MODE_REQUEST | No reply on the Get Mode request |
0x3010000d | GENC_READ_DATA_NUMBER_NOT_MATCH | The length of the read data does not match |
0x3010000e | GENC_WAIT_FOR_REPLY_TIMEOUT | Timeout on the reply |
0x3010000f | GENC_INCONSISTENT_FRAME | The frame is not consistent |
0x30100010 | GENC_WAIT_FOR_REPLY_MORE_THAN_ONE_FRAME | Several replies were received at once |
0x30100011 | GENC_NOT_IMPLEMENTED_FUNCTION | Not implemented function |
0x30100012 | GENC_WAIT_FOR_EVENT_TIMEOUT | Timeout on the event |
0x30101000 | ABCOM_COMMUNICATION_UNOPENED | The abstract communication is not open |
0x30103000 | CYP_INVALID_ENDPOINT | Invalid USB endpoint (Cypress) |
0x30103001 | CYP_IN_ENDPOINT_TIMEOUT | Timeout on the input USB endpoint (Cypress) |
0x30103002 | CYP_OUT_ENDPOINT_TIMEOUT | Timeout on the output USB endpoint (Cypress) |
0x30103003 | CYP_DEVICE_NOT_OPENED | The USB device is not open (Cypress) |
0x30104000 | TCPIP_WRITTING_ERROR | Writing error on the socket |
0x30105000 | LIBUSB_ERR_IO | Input/output error |
0x30105001 | LIBUSB_ERR_INVALID_PARAM | Invalid parameter |
0x30105002 | LIBUSB_ERR_ACCESS | Access denied (insufficient permissions) |
0x30105003 | LIBUSB_ERR_NO_DEVICE | No such device (it may have been disconnected) |
0x30105004 | LIBUSB_ERR_NOT_FOUND | Entity not found |
0x30105005 | LIBUSB_ERR_BUSY | Resource busy |
0x30105006 | LIBUSB_ERR_TIMEOUT | Operation timed out |
0x30105007 | LIBUSB_ERR_OVERFLOW | Overflow |
0x30105008 | LIBUSB_ERR_PIPE | Pipe error |
0x30105009 | LIBUSB_ERR_INTERRUPTED | System call interrupted (perhaps due to signal) |
0x3010500a | LIBUSB_ERR_NO_MEM | Insufficient memory |
0x3010500b | LIBUSB_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED | Operation not supported or unimplemented on this platform |
0x3010500c | LIBUSB_ERR_OTHER | Other error |